The Reunion Fund

Returning to your roots
Each year, the Foundation Office welcomes numerous Old Andreans back on campus for their reunion weekends, drawing Old Andreans from around the world and providing an opportunity for classmates to reconnect and share memories from their time as College boys.

When Old Andreans return to College, they soon realise that they never really left, as a large part of who they are is deeply rooted in the College soil. The College experience has uniquely shaped every Andrean who has walked the grounds of our beloved campus, and for many, their time at College was a defining season in their life.

Allowing others to take root and grow
Whether they are able to attend their Year Reunion weekend or not, many Old Andreans choose to make a gift to College during their reunion year to honour this significant milestone and to give back to their school.

While there are many families for which a College education for their son is assured, there are many boys with enormous potential for whom College is financially out of reach. There are boys with incredible potential who will gain much from College and will leave much of themselves behind in their legacy. 

The Reunion Fund
The Reunion Fund makes an immediate impact by providing much needed bursary funding to deserving boys. Your Reunion Year Fund will have a direct influence on enriching the student experience for the next generation, and continuing to impact their lives long after they matriculate from College. Gifts of any size count towards each years’ participation in the Reunion Giving Challenge; a good-natured competition between year groups. The cumulative value and class participation will be recognised in the Reunion Giving Challenge.

Contributing to the Reunion Fund at College is an investment, which has the potential to transform the life of well-deserving individuals, the live of their families, while contributing to the sustainability of St Andrew’s College.

I chose to support a future Andrean so that he too can enjoy the College experience and develop to his full potential. Helping a fellow human being in this way must be one of the most rewarding acts we can possibly undertake.

– Anonymous Donor

Ways of giving
Donations can be made using our secure online giving facility, where you can customise your giving plan. Alternatively, you can make a direct deposit into the St Andrew’s College Foundation account.




There is no other school like this. There are so many cultural activities that build brotherhood and close relationships with people. I hope I can show you my gratitude, through my hard work and dedication in every activity in this school. I am really looking forward to my years at College! And one day I will make it possible for others to come here, like you made it possible for me.

– Beneficiary