Donate from Canada

Donate to College  from Canada

Initiated in 2003, the St Andrew’s College Grahamstown Foundation of Canada (SACGFC) is a registered charitable organization in Canada, providing OAs residing in Canada a tax-efficient way of donating to College. All donations will receive a charitable donation receipt for Canadian tax purposes to the extent permitted by law. 

Make a donation by electronic funds transfer
Make a donation by electronic funds transfer/direct deposit

Should you wish to donate to St Andrew’s College via electronic funds transfer, please deposit your funds into the following bank account:

Account Name: St Andrew’s College Grahamstown Foundation of Canada
Bank: TD Canada Trust
Branch Code: 0500
Bank Account: 5207 891
Reference: Initials + Surname

Proof of payment: Please email proof of payment to Bronwen May. An official letter of thanks  will be sent to you in due course.

Make a donation by check
Make a donation by check

Should you wish to donate to St Andrew’s College via check, please ensure the check is made out and sent to:

St Andrew’s College Grahamstown Foundation of Canada
Michael Faralla,
28 Douglas Drive,
M4W 2B3

Donation acknowledgment: Please contact Bronwen May to notify the school of your gift. An official letter of thanks  will be sent to you in due course.

Tax Benefits
Tax benefits

St Andrew’s College Grahamstown Foundation of Canada (SACGFC) is a registered charitable organization in Canada and all donations will receive a charitable donation receipt for Canadian tax purposes to the extent permitted by law.

The SACGFC’s BN / Registration number for Canadian tax purposes is 871556601RR0001.

Please contact Bronwen May for any enquiries.

Further information
Answering your questions about donating to St Andrew’s College 

The Foundation Office raises funds for a variety of projects on campus, and for the provision of financial support in the form of bursaries and scholarships. General gifts can also be made which will be allocated to a project at the discretion of the Headmaster.

You may also contribute to College and/or Prep by way of a bequest, a gift-in-kind donation or by donating bonds, shares, life insurance policies, real estate and other securities.

Please liaise with the Foundation Office in Grahamstown / Makhanda to enable College to meet your wishes as a valued donor by contacting:    

Angie Marriner
Director of the St Andrew’s College Foundation Office

Thank you for your support